Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Mothers May Suffer From Postpartum Depression If Their Babies Have Birth Defects

The post-partum period is the time after a woman's baby is born, and caring for her doesn't end when she finally delivers her baby. Special cares and considerations are still given to the woman in the same way that she was given regards when she was pregnant. Although the risks are relatively not as much as when the woman was still pregnant, certain complications may still arise during this time. One complication that may arise during this time is postpartum depression. Postpartum depression is most often mistaken as postpartum blues. Postpartum blues is normal and is usually felt by mothers after giving birth, where it goes away after a couple of weeks. While postpartum depression is a medical condition which requires treatment or attention by a professional. A number of factors might be considered on why a woman may have postpartum depression such as one who took Paxil and craniosynostosis, a type of birth defect was seen as an effect on her baby.

Possible Causes of Postpartum Depression

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