Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Menopause Symptoms: You Should Be Aware Of These Three

A lot of menopause symptoms start to happen during the menopausal stage. Women dread the pains that these things bring in to their lives. If you're starting to experience the same things, it would be best for you to read about what you're going through so you can better understand them. Through this, you'll know what you can do to make things a lot better.

In this article, we're going to closely examine some of the most common menopause symptoms that women experience when they enter the menopausal stage. First is loss of libido. Sex therapists say that this symptom should only be addressed by women if they personally consider it as a problem. This thing usually only becomes an issue when it's in the framework of a relationship. Every single person goes through peaks and valleys when it comes to sexual desire. The varying levels of libido that a person gets can be caused by a lot of different factors. Oftentimes, hormonal imbalances as well as prescription drugs will affect a person's sex drive. You need to know that there's a difference between sexual drive and sexual function.

Let's move on to the next, which is vaginal itching and irritation. These symptoms spring up because of loss of the soft feel and moist of the lining of the vaginal area. When estrogen levels drop during menopause, vaginal tissues start to become dry and their elasticity decreases. Because of this, sexual intercourse becomes an uncomfortable experience. In addition, women can become more prone to infections. The vagina is often itchy and easily gets irritated. On the emotional aspect of a woman, she may feel older because of this. Aside from becoming dry and less elastic, the vagina also takes a longer period of time to become lubricated. Lastly, it can atrophy or become smaller both in length and width.

Mood swings are also a common thing for women during menopause. These can be like a roller coaster ride. At one time, you feel really good but after a few minutes you all of a sudden feel down and out. Mood swings can be really intense and out of control in some women. Chronic mood swings are considered as a psychological disorder and every single detail about it is as real as a physical ailment. This sounds really horrifying. However, you can give yourself some relief because just like most diseases, this symptom can be treated.

The last symptom that we're going to look at in this article is fatigue, which is a common experience for most women during menopause. This is described as an ongoing and persistent feeling of tiredness, weakness, and decreased energy levels. This is different from drowsiness, which is the urge to go to sleep. Fatigue refers to lack of energy and not sleepiness. If fatigue happens all of a sudden, this can be a sign of crashing fatigue.

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