Saturday, June 25, 2011

Hormones and Women's Health

Matters related to health are very sensitive and if health concern is related to female then it become very critical. We all know that male and female body is different and both require proper care and attention for healthy life. It is our responsibility to take good care of our health and live healthy lifestyle. With the increasing role of internet, print media, television and awareness programs run by number of health organizations now females are more educated and aware about their health.

Women's health issues are more sensitive in comparison to male's health. Female's body faces many hormonal changes during life time and these changes start taking place from the age of puberty to early 50's several hormonal changes take place within the body and these changes are so radical that it is hard to avoid the consequence of such changes. Hormones plays very vital role in our health and they play crucial role in female's health.  Hormonal replacement therapy has made life better.

Many of the health related issues in females are caused by imbalance of hormones. One of the best ways to maintain the equilibrium of hormone in the body is to follow healthy lifestyle, avoid stress and eat balanced diet.  Hormonal imbalance could cause many physiological issues like:

fatigue and weakness

weight loss or gain


hot flashes

joint pain

hair loss

dry skin

These symptoms are often combined with psychological issues like hypertension, insomnia or depression.

How to make body healthy


The better you eat, the better body you will become, if you will supplement your body with rubbish you will get rubbish in return. sp eat right and stay healthy is the key of happy and healthy life and never settle for unhealthy diet.

We all know that water is the nature's best drink, drink plenty of water to keep your body, clean, hydrated and healthy.

Supplement your diet with vitamin and minerals. Our natural diet is not rich enough in all kind of nutrients and cooking and packaging style makes it less healthy. To overcome the deficiency of vital elements it is important to take supplements of Vitamin, minerals and calcium. It will make body stronger and healthy.

Learn to deal with your stress, spend some time in yoga or gym it will give you mental peace and inner strength to cope with day to day stress.

Consult your doctor from time to time and live healthy life.

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