Saturday, June 18, 2011

Premarin 0.625 mg Helps Women Get Fast Relief from Menopausal Symptoms

Menopausal symptoms can last for a year or more, and when you consider symptoms like hot flashes, vaginal symptoms, and night sweats, going in for effective Canadian drugs like Premarin 0.625 mg is a safe option. The drug will provide relief from moderate to severe menopause.
The average age of getting menopause is 51 years. It is a natural event, which is confirmed after a woman misses her periods for a period of 12 months. Due to ageing, the ovaries function less efficiently and stop functioning in many cases, thereby reducing the level of estrogen and other hormones.
Hot flashes - These are temporary instances of flushing accompanied with heat. The sensation can remain for as long as 6 minutes. The frequency is uncertain, which can be occasionally or every hour. Some symptoms may not be as visible and may appear as annoyance, irritation, or frustration.
Vaginal symptoms -Estrogen l levels get reduced during menopause. It may result in reducing lubrication in the vagina, which will be evident because a woman would experience itching and dryness in the area.
Night Sweats - they usually occur in the night, and women have complained of being completely drenched in sweat. During the first few years, night sweats may be moderate to severe. Lack of sleep is what leads to irritation and tiredness.
The degree of symptoms may vary, but Premarin 0.625 mg offered by Canadian pharmacies can effectively remove the sensation around the vagina, reduce the incidence of hot flashes, and helps prevent osteoporosis. Women generally get relief from hot flashes within one to three weeks. Relief from night sweats and hot flashes will increase gradually over time. A very important role played by the drug is to greatly reduce the chance of a woman getting osteoporosis post menopause.
What Is Postmenopausal Osteoporosis and How the Drug Prevents It
The body secretes a hormone known as estrogen, which helps in maintaining bone strength. Once women enter into menopause, estrogen levels are reduced. The loss of bone strength could be as high as 20% in women immediately after menopause. It could lead to the medical condition called postmenopausal osteoporosis.
It is a disease that compromises on the structure of the bones. A normal bone would appear thick without porosity, when seen under a microscope. However, when osteoporosis sets in, the porous nature of the bones increase. Bone material density reduces. It becomes very fragile and is likely to break with the minimum amount of pressure.
Women suffering from postmenopausal osteoporosis are more likely to get fractures of the wrists, spine, and hips.
Biological changes that occur after the age of 50 are difficult to control, and surgeries related to removal of the ovaries and the uterus can lead to menopause. In this case, there is a sudden drop of estrogen, leading to surgical menopause. As soon as the organs producing the estrogen, menopausal symptoms appear and can be more severe than in actual cases.
Premarin 0.625 mg helps patients by reducing the chances of developing osteoporosis, as it increases bone density at the spine. has made it easier for patients to buy the drug online through a simple process with a valid prescription.

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