Sunday, June 19, 2011

Diflucan Yeast Infection Cure

Yeast are micro organisms that naturally exist on the skin surface and vaginal area without causing any infection. In normal condition, the growth of the fungi is kept under control with proper acidic balance in the vagina. However, if due to some reasons this balance get disrupted, then the yeast start growing at a very rapid pace and cause infection in the area. These natural  remedies not only cure vaginal yeast infections quickly but make you feel instantly better as it improves other aspects of your health. They are very  simple  and  very effective if.

Vinegar is renowned for its antibacterial and antifungal properties. Fill a bathtub with warm water mixed with 1 cup of vinegar. Soak in this bath solution for about 20 minutes. Dry the vaginal area thoroughly using super absorbent paper. Any vinegar will do, but the best results have been found using apple cider vinegar.

Yoghurt is a very effective cure to treat this problem naturally. Basically yogurt prevents the growth of Candida albicans which is responsible for the infection. You can consume it orally or make use of it for vaginal application. Make use of plain unsweetened yoghurt which contains live cultures. You can also soak a tampon in yogurt and insert directly inside you. Leave it overnight and repeat the procedure for 2-3 days.

Read more articles

Whom Wants a Everlasting Yeast Infection cure as well as Acquire Lasting Freedom from Candida Associated Signs and symptoms?

YEAST INFECTION: List of Tips & Tricks for Female & Male Yeast Infection Cure at Home - Help to Find The Best Cure for Yeast Infections

Candidiasis (YEAST INFECTION) in Women - Search for Natural Cures for Yeast Infection Cure Using Simple Herbal Remedies to Adopting Health

Male Yeast Infection Cures that Can Help You!

If sexual intercourse is painful, avoid it. Otherwise, use a water-soluble lubricating jelly (such as K-Y Jelly) to reduce irritation. Do not trust a condom or diaphragm for birth control when using an antifungal cream or suppository. Many of the vaginal creams and suppositories used to treat yeast infections are oil-based, which can weaken rubber (latex).

Do not use active chemicals that may cause irritation or burning and thus contribute to yeast infection. The dyes and perfumes found in tampons, condoms, sprays, soap, toilet paper, laundry, and clothing, can be conducive to yeast infection. If you are susceptible to yeast infection, beware of products with high concentration of these agents. When purchasing these products, please, read user recommendations very carefully.

Eat yogurt on a daily basis. It contains acidophilus and live bacterial cultures which regulate the levels of Candida albicans inside the vagina. Another option is to vaginally insert yogurt. Dip a tampon in non-sweetened, live culture yogurt and insert the yogurt-saturated tampon inside the vagina. Leave the tampon inside the vagina for 30 to 40 minutes twice daily. Continue this treatment until itchiness and discharge symptoms subside. By inserting yogurt into the vagina, live bacterial cultures from the yogurt attach to the vaginal wall lining and reduce the overgrowth of Candida albicans.

Boost your nutrition. If your body's immune system is weak, you'll be more likely to get recurring vaginal yeast infections. By simply taking daily vitamins, eating more fruits and vegetables, or taking herbal supplements, you can boost the nutrition levels in your body naturally, and help keep the yeast infections at bay.


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