Sunday, June 19, 2011

Jump! It's good for your skin!

Cosmetic companies are spending billions of dollars to convince women to buy their products.  Because of the pressures from both themselves and the society around them, women are spending more time and money on products that promise to erase lines, clear blemishes, and give your skin a radiant and healthy glow.  While these products can help, there is one fool-proof way to improve your skin: exercise.  Physical activity has many benefits to improve your health, your weight, and your life.  What's seldom discussed is how it can also help improve your skin.  Here are some of the ways that exercise can benefit your complexion.


It increases your circulation.  Exercise gets your blood pumping; literally.  That blood moves nutrients to the skin where it needs it.  It also flushes potential toxins that could build up under the surface. 

It decreases your chances of developing wrinkles and makes your skin look younger.  Increasing nutrients and skin health also allows your skin to increase its production of collagen.  Collagen is what gives your skin its elasticity and slows the production of wrinkles.

It clears up acne.  In adults, stress increases your body's production of testosterone-related hormones.  These hormones, DHEA and DHT, are major contributors to adult acne.  Exercise has been linked to decreased stress.  Lower stress leads to a decrease in the adrenal gland producing these hormones.  Exercise also makes you sweat.  Sweat cleans your pores and pushes the oil and dirt out.

Existing wrinkles start to fade away.  When muscles are healthy and toned, they are more relaxed.  When the muscles and skin on your face are healthy, they also relax.  Once they're relaxed, they are less able to hold the wrinkles that develop over time.

Exercise makes you drink water.  Water is the most vital part of a healthy lifestyle.  Your body is 70% water.  Drinking water allows your body to replenish its losses.  Water also flushes toxins and impurities out of your body and your skin.

Exercise is more than just a great way to lose weight.  You can exercise your way to a better complexion and a better feeling you.

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