Saturday, June 18, 2011

Why Do I Keep Getting Yeast Infections- Is it Some thing Normal?

Why do I keep getting yeast infections repeatedly- this question used to bother me for almost a year. I was simply not able to figure out any specific reason for repeated attacks of the infection.

Over a period of time I started noticing a specific pattern. Whenever I had sex within the first week following my periods, the infection would set in. It was really frustrating. It came to a point where I thought that I was allergic to male semen since the vaginal itching used to become unbearable after intercourse.

Since medicines could not do much to treat my recurring infection I started doing research on my own. Here are some of the reasons I identified:

a) Antibiotics

I found out that antibiotics are one of the main reasons for yeast imbalance in the body. Candida Albicans reside in small numbers in our bodies. When we take antibiotics for treating any other ailment that we suffer from, the antibiotics kill not only the bad bacteria/yeasts, it eliminates the good ones too. This results in yeast infection. In my case antibiotics prescribed for UTI by my doctor turned out to be the culprit.

b)Male yeast infection

I was under the impression that making use of condoms would protect his fluids from infecting me. However I did not realize that my own fluids often left over in my partner's pubic hair or testicles were capable of re-infecting me.

c) Diabetes

During the course of my search for an answer to the question why do I keep getting yeast infections I came to know that women suffering from Diabetes were at a greater risk of contacting yeast infections. Another factor which can enhance the risk of getting this infection is the use of Pill.

There were a few things I did to get rid of my recurring problem. First I consulted my doctor and stopped using antibiotics for treating my UTI. Secondly both I and my partner started taking treatment for this condition.

Lastly we adopted a few diet changes. We started including at least 2 servings of high quality 'probiotic' yogurt in our daily intake. At the same time we reduced the consumption of sugars, alcohol, coffee and starches which feeds the yeast. In case you are susceptible to yeast infection it is best to always avoid these foods. Every time you need to take an antibiotic, simultaneously start taking probiotics supplements to maintain your natural flora.

By scouting the internet you will be able to identify many more answers to the question why do I keep getting yeast infections. Here I have listed some of the reasons which I I have been able to identify with personally.

Do you want to know more about an effective all natural yeast infection cure ? This cure will relieve you of itching, burning and swelling in matter of hours. Know more about this powerful yeast infection home remedy by Clicking Here

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