Sunday, June 12, 2011

Eight Kinds of Anti-Aging Food for Women

For women, there is nothing more upsetting than the fact of growing old. When women reach thirty years old, their skin will lose elasticity gradually, their figure will be out of shape, and the sclerotin content in the body will begin to decline. Experts tell us that the real factor to make us grow old is the free radicals produced in the metabolism of human body. External factors and improper lifestyle also can make the body produce free radicals. When our body can not maintain the balanced state between anti-free radical system and free radicals, our skin will lose elasticity and gloss, and wrinkles will appear. Therefore, we introduce you the following foods with anti-aging effect, so as to delay the aging process and make your life full of energy for a longer time.

1. Broccoli
Broccoli is rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C and carotene. Scientists have proved that vegetables with cruciate flowers are the best food for anti-aging and anti-cancer purpose.

2. Crucian carp
Carp contains comprehensive and high-quality protein, which have the invigorating effect for the formation of elastic fibers in the skin. In particular, it has great effect of eliminating early wrinkles caused by some psychological factors such as stress and lack of sleep.

3. Onion
Onion can clear the blood and reduce the content of cholesterol, thus having an anti-aging effect.

4. Tofu
Apart from fish and shrimp, tofu is also a very good source of protein. What's more, bean products contain a chemical called isoflavone, which can reduce the activity space of estrogen. If you are worried that you may suffer from breast cancer, you can eat more bean products.

5. Cabbage
Cabbage is a kind of vegetables with cruciate flowers. It contains high content of vitamin C and fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal motility, maintain the vitality of digestive system, and help detoxification.

6. Apple
Apple contains plenty of cellulose, vitamin C and sugar. It can prevent the formation of herpes on the skin, and maintain the luster of the skin.

7. Carrot
Carrot is rich in vitamin A, which can maintain shiny hair and delicate skin.

8. White gourd
White gourd is rich in vitamin C, which plays great moisturizing effect to the collagen and elastic fibers of the skin. Eating enough white gourd can effectively prevent against the early formation of wrinkles and make the skin soft and smooth.

What's more, foods such as tomato, shellfish, milk powder and mineral water also have good anti-aging effect, so women should eat more of these foods.

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