Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bee Pollen And Menopause - A Natural Remedy For The Painful Symptoms During Menopause

Bee Pollen And Menopause

Women suffering from the discomfort and embarrassment of hot flashes might wonder if bee pollen and menopause are compatible.

Bee pollen is an amazing supplement that helps with everything from weight loss to allergies, and it is much safer than using hormone replacements.

Most women are not aware of the benefits of this natural super-food and that it helps to balance the
hormone levels, which cause hot flashes and other painful symptoms.

How it Works - Women who are going through menopause, they do not produce enough estrogen and progesterone, which is the primary cause of hot flashes.

The vitamins and minerals found in bee pollen have been known to regulate hormone levels and significantly decrease or eliminate hot flashes.

The carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins found in it can also boost energy levels and improve feelings of fatigue.

Bee Pollen vs. ERT - Going through menopause is a life changing experience and most women begin Estrogen Replacement Therapy (ERT) before trying any natural remedies first. Although ERT has proven to be effective in many women, the side affects associated with it ranges from mild to severe.

Read more articles

Bee Pollen And Menopause - What Can Bee Pollen Do For Menopause Symptoms?

What Is Flower Pollen Extract?

The Bee Pollen Health Benefits Revealed

Bee Pollen And Menopause - Bee Pollen In Fighting Menopausal Symptoms

Women on ERT reported having headaches, bloating, breast tenderness and mood swings. Studies have also shown that estrogen replacement therapy increases the risk of breast cancer, blood clots, gall stones, stroke, and coronary artery disease.

Bee pollen, on the other hand is as pure and natural as honey and the side affects, if any, are mild.

Allergic Reactions - Bee pollen and menopause may very well be the answer for many women suffering from the heat of hormone imbalance, but before using bee pollen supplements, consider the possible allergic reactions; tightness in the chest, trouble breathing, itchy throat, and nausea.

These side effects are very rare and usually only experienced by individuals who know they are allergic to bees. For these individuals it is best to consult the advice of a physician before introducing bee pollen into their diet.

Bee Pollen and Menopause - The Purity Of The Bee Pollen Is Very Important

New Zealand's bee pollen is some of the purest harvested.  They have strict regulations and routinely check for toxins.

To get the most potent pollen, only buy the kind that has been freeze dried to lock in the freshness and preserve the nutrients. Never buy bee pollen supplements that is sold in see through bottles that allows light to filter in and spoil it.

The risks associated with ERT are not worth the small relief it offers women suffering from menopause. Bee pollen is safe, natural and effective. For women wanting to alleviate hot flashes; bee pollen and menopause is a winning combination.

Take a moment and visit my website below for more information on Bee Pollen And Menopause and the many other beneits bee pollen has to offer.

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