Monday, May 16, 2011

Can breathlessness result from menopause or rather cardiac problems?


my mother is 62, her menopause started 3 years ago, she decided against hormonal therapy. she experience shortness of breath (need for taking a bigger breath) . her echocardiogram, blood tests and ekg did not show any problems, but those can not exclude heart problems i heard. should she undergo coronary computer angio to rule out heart problems? (but i know that level of radiation is huge 50-100 times normal chest x-raying....


Firstly there is no link between breathlessness and the menopause. You give no details of her weight, smoking history, past medical history nor medication history if any. You don't refer a patient for angiography until they have had many other tests first, and then it is a secondary care decision. If her breathlessness remains unexplained she needs referred to either a cardiologist or a respiratory physician, depending on where her GP feels the problem lies.


I bet you a dollar to doughnuts she smokes. There is your answer

Grant Town
Valley Acres
Rio Bravo

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