Monday, May 16, 2011

What Is Cellulite and What Is the Reason for His Appearance?

Hormones such as female hormone estrogen has a dominant role in the development of cellulite. Also stress hormones along with inherited traits can contribute to the development of cellulite.

There are countless treatments that are advertised and tell you how to get rid of him but scientific proof of them is still a topic of some debate why it is successful is not the case with others. Best results are seen when the medical treatment of cellulite are complemented by a change of lifestyle.

Get rid of cellulite

Since cellulite is fat deposition as a first step that should begin to get rid of fat with weight loss. Although this will not fully remedy the situation, a good starting point.

Would be most effective if you concentrate on exercise Cerebellar where cellulite. Exercise will reduce the level of stress, which will surely reduce the factors that contribute to the development of cellulite. What matters is to keep you well hydrated while exercising. If you are not satisfied with the results of this type of exercise then there are other ways to get rid of cellulite.

Lymphatic drainage massage.

This enables removal of the lymph and thus the edema and provides better blood flow as it would increase metabolism in these regions. But this way you will not get rid of fatty deposits which are the main cause of cellulite.


This procedure is a special massage that redistribute adipose tissue and gives the skin soft look. This method is best applied to younger women and women who exercise do not exercise because if not benefit from this type of treatment.

Cellulite creams.

These creams generally act of tightening the skin hydration and thus increase the elasticity of the same. Depending on the ingredients in some cream and increase the circulation where it is inflicted. These are commonly used as adjunctive therapy in the fight against cellulite.

Wrapping the body with rubber covers.

This method is used in lounges and spa centers. Some can even cover a larger area and some techniques involve the use of creams and lotions. With this treatment can smooth the skin and increase circulation, and has another positive side and that is that releases from the stress that is an additional factor in the formation of cellulite. But increased sweating which occurs only will eliminate the water in those areas and it then easily upgrade to drinks and foods.


This is a surgical method for removal of adipose tissue. It is an excellent and quick way to get rid of it. But treatment may not be satisfactorily why this type of intervention to eliminate only the deep fat and not subcutaneous.

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