Monday, May 16, 2011

How do you cope with a wife who is going through all the phases of menopause?


This question is mainly for husbands.


I am a woman who put my poor husband and kids through Hell. Make sure she does not go on Hormone replacement therapy very controversial and studies have shown it causes cancer. My husband went to The Vitamin Shop and got me natural progesterone by source Naturals. It is a cream that she applies on her wrist or chest twice a day 1/2 teaspoon. I put it on that night when he came home and the next morning I was smiling again. Believe me I was suicidal, crying all of the time and very very angry. Here is the the reviews first. See if there is The Vitamin Shoppe where you live. http://www. vitacost. com/Source-Naturals-…








I am a woman sorry, but i think you should just support her, take her out, buy her flowers treat her while shes down. if ses snappy towards u then still buy her nice gifts but let her be, leave her on her own for a while, maybe do the housework cook her a special meal, do thinks u think is going to take her mind off the menopause oh and buy her a book and dvds so she cn just curl up and cry with some chocolates :)


There are hormone treatments she could take to make the effects easier. Other than that try to be accomidating and helpful to her. Sympathize with her although there's not much you can do. Remind her how much you love her. Good luck!


6 pack of beer....


Keep her on her meds, go to doctors visits with her, ask questions and try to understand the biology of what she's going through. In the meantime: Be supportive of her and try to let her moods slide off you like water off a ducks back. It will pass, it's only a temporary situation.


Yes Honeywhatever u say Honeyremember in some states she could kill you & get off since she's not emotional stable.


I'm not a husband, but I can vouch for my husband. I am very moody and whenever I'm in my moods, my husband knows to keep his distance by going to another room or leaving for a few hours. I am not going through menopause, but I do know the symptoms. Whenever you know that your wife is in her moods, just distance yourself by going to the garage, or take off for a few hours. What you could do is take up a hobby and keep your mind focused on that whenever she is moody. Also, show your wife that you understand and whatever she needs, you will be there no matter what. If she screams at you for no reason, don't take it personal, just walk away. What you don't want to do is cause an argument because it's bad enough what she is going through. Show her lots of love. Bring her home flowers once in a while. Show that just because she has menopause, it doesn't change anything. I hope this advice works and I wish you luck.


Is she taking hormone replacement? My mom is doing that and said it made a HUGE difference in almost completely getting rid of the symptoms. She might want to look into it.


My husband is a lucky guy because I sailed thru menopause with no mood swings, irritability, etc.....he has said so many times when hearing other husbands complain about it...the only problem was the night sweats & hot would wake him up because he said the heat I would throw off during one was like an oven and I was very uncomfortable for him to snuggle next to (we are both snugglers) when a flash would wake me up, I would move away from him until it was over.....For a while he would suddenly grab the tops of my ears....turns out my ears turn bright red just before a 'power surge' lol and he was just confirming it! lol...and here I thought he had an ear fetish going on.....All I can say is with patience and a sense of humor....but she should NOT use it as an excuse for bad behavior no matter how uncomfortable she gets...if it gets that bad she needs to get herself to the doctor's for some kind of relief...good luck.


encourage her to take a good multi vitamin and to eat well. be kind to her and truly listen to her. really. it is also nice to put a weekend treat on the calendar to look forward to, like a romantic weekend away. women sometimes do not feel as attractive as they once did and this is reassuring. hormone replacement therapy is still a factor for some, but has been implicated in breast cancer, because in the past few years since hrt has been prescribed less because of this suspected link, breast cancer cases have gone down, according to my reading. however, suzanne somers has written a newer book about her experience with hrt.


Ear plugs and Jack Daniels.


i am not a husband any more, but i have gone through menopause. No, not me myself, but with a wife and few girlfriends. The whole thing about eating well, taking vitamins, etc. may work, but you have to be VERY careful how to suggest it. Think about it! How would you approach a menopausal women to tell her that there is something wrong with her and she should take vitamins? Frankly, I never had the guts or anything lower to say that. A wife's menopause is a time for humility for men, but also a chance to remember that you took a vow "for better or for worse", and bro, this is the worst! But it too will pass, and someday if you are humble, supportive, and affectionate when she wants affection, things will return to normal..or even better.


Hi Birdie, It's zilog32 here! Answer is simple.1. Tell her things like you understand that a womans work is never done - that's why we pay them less!2. Tell her that the white dress she is wearing matches the kitchen appliances.3. Tell her she's lovely - on oven temperature 220 degs for 2 hours.4. Divorce. The list is endless. Ha ha ha. Bet I get some stick for this!!!

Schram City
Schall Circle
Lakeland North
White Springs

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