Thursday, April 28, 2011

Prince Or Princess Book Review – Testimony from a Mother of Two

Is it not very disappointing that after you knew you are pregnant, you expect to have a baby boy and you end up with having a third daughter? Is it not very frustrating that after you buy all those girly stuff for your baby, you discover that you are going to take care of a boy? Don't you want to wait for a baby with the gender of your dreams? If your answer to one or all of these questions is yes, then the Prince or Princess Book is definitely for you! Its efficiency has helped over a thousand couples to have the baby of their dreams and it is time for you to have yours too.

I have been searching the internet for every gender-selecting program that might help me before I get pregnant again. This time, we want a baby boy and we will not stop until we have one. That is why we have two girls right now. I have encountered the Prince or Princess Book while searching.

I am a mother of two girls when my husband and I were desperate to have a baby boy. At first, a girl was okay with us and we decided to have another one, expecting it is a boy. Even though we still love our second daughter, we were actually kind of hoping the opposite gender. I am so desperate to have one so I attended all the seminars I could attend and all the methods that I saw in the internet or my friends advised me. Summing it all, I was stunned to see that I wasted a lot of money, time and effort in those but it still gave us nothing.

As I was about to give up my dreams, I saw the Prince or Princess Book on the web and I bought it. I saw it has a success rate of 94% without using all those drugs and surgeries that got me thinking it might be worth it. The price is not as high as much as the others that I went through so what's a lot of few bucks to spend? And hey, these bucks did not fail me for the book was effective. After I read the whole book, my husband and I tried again and after two months, we went to the hospital for an ultrasound. And guess what? It's a boy! We were so happy and we want our success to be shared to you.

You can get your own Prince or Princess Book here: Do not worry, all the statements made by Alicia in the book are backed up with scientific explanations. And with the success rate, what's keeping you from getting the baby gender of your dreams?

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