Friday, April 29, 2011

VASER Liposelection Recovery – The Untold Secrets

While opting for a cosmetic surgery, it is very important to know about the after-effects of surgery and the recovery time. Since, VASER liposelection aims at contouring the body; you should have realistic expectations from this surgery. The recovery time is dependant on the liposuction method and usually ranges from few days to few weeks. In case of traditional liposuction methods, the recovery time will involve several painful weeks.


Why VASER Liposelection?


Traditional liposuction methods involve certain risks such as uneven body sculpting and failure of the skin to shrink back to its real tautness. Presently, a new liposuction tool known as VASER Liposelection has been developed by the cosmetic surgeons to reduce the chances of these risks and perform liposuction in a less painful manner. VASER liposelection is basically derived from the technique that uses ultrasound to break down the fat prior to its removal. In VASER liposelection, an ultrasound tipped probe is used to break down the fat and then the easily removable substance is taken out of the body.


VASER liposelection derived its name from the fact that only fat is targeted by the machine, emitting ultrasound energy. The other important structures and tissues are left quite untouched in this process, which also results in minimum blood loss. It involves the use of local anaesthesia by means of saline solution that is infused under the skin to numb the area. The sedative enables the patient to be comfortable during this process even though they are fully awake. The ultrasound technique helps in shrinking of the skin in order to fit the new and slimmer contour of your body.


What happens during the recovery period?

In order to prevent the accumulation of fluids, a small drainage tube is placed under the affected skin for some days. During recovery, the body reinstates the balance of the fluids between the blood and cells. To facilitate this process, elastic surgical compression garments are used to squeeze the body fluids back to the deeper tissues. This helps in reducing the swelling prevalent in the affected areas. The compression garments also ensure smoother contour as it firmly holds the loose skin against the body thereby preventing it from sagging. In short, compression garments helps in the recovery of the patients in a safe and comfortable manner.


VASER liposelection - Precautions to be maintained during this period

Throughout the recovery process, you should not apply heating pads and ice packs to the affected areas without the consent of the doctor. After surgery, you should not soak yourself in swimming pool, Jacuzzi, bath tub or ocean for a minimum period of 7 days to avoid infection. Also, you should not consume alcohol 48 hours after and before the surgery.


Usually, 3 to 4 days are required by patients opting for liposuction in torso, legs or arms and 10 days are required by patients opting for neck and face liposuction. These initial days are vital for their bruising to subside.


VASER liposelection ensures quick recovery time with minimal scarring and less bruising. This is ideal for those who want to get rid of their unwanted stubborn fat in a less painful manner and want to attain a good contour in a just a few days.

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