Frequent urination and incontinence is embarrassing. If you are a sufferer, you have my sympathy because it is so demanding. Are you suffering because of the pain from the constant urination? Or are you suffering because of the demands of being awoken at night to urinate or every fifteen minutes during the day? Whatever the cause of the suffering, there is help available.
Urine is meant to be neutral in concentration. It should not be acidic or burning. If you are experiencing a burning sensation, then you will very likely have cystitis, which is reasonably easy to control through changes to diet and sexual behaviour. You can go to your doctor and get onto a course of medication or you can take control of your own destiny by ensuring that you never fall victim to cystitis ever again! That's a tall order? Not really. If you are a cystitis sufferer then it is a clear indication that your immune system is failing. Do you suffer other infections regularly? Ulcers in the mouth? Wounds that take longer than normal to heal? If you are one of these people, then you have a poor immune system and you need extra special building up of the immune system in your body and maintain this for the rest of your life.
By keeping your immune system healthy, you don't fall victim to the infections that so easily plague sufferers. You will be able to keep yourself strong and fit with your own anti-bodies fighting any hint of an infection building up. This advice applies to your whole body as well! Good advice.
Simple advice such as always evacuating your bladder after sex is essential and sound. The movies that show couples lying back in bed having a smoke after a sexual romp are nothing more than a lie! Unless a woman expels the potential germs that have been pushed up into her urethra from the sexual movement of the penis pushing into her vagina, the germs will carry on their insidious journey further right up into the bladder itself. Usually, after 24 hours the infection has set in with the first sign upon the desire to go to the toilet often and blood in the urine with a feeling of intense pain at the opening of the urethra as the urine is expelled. Very unpleasant. Even more unpleasant if the woman is miles from medical attention and has to make do with whatever is available from shops, etc. It is essential that she does treat it as soon as she can. Leaving an infection in the bladder untreated is not good because it can travel up to the kidneys which will be very serious.
There are natural methods of preventing the spread of the infection. Drinking fruit juices, NOT Cranberry juice at the time of the infection, will help to neutralise the acid build up in the fluid. Also, taking a very good quality supplement high in Vitamin C and anthocyanidines (grape seed) is also very effective and will deliver a result usually within a couple of hours. Grape seed extract acts like a natural anti-biotic. Also, always have on hand a painkiller that will take away the constant pain so that you can at least concentrate on getting well. That is rest, relaxing and reducing the stress levels that this infection will very likely cause are all keys.
Lots of fluids such as water, as well as fruit juices is very important at the time of the attack. By following these simple steps, you may well be able to avoid the trip to the doctor to get a course of anti-biotics. Follow this regime until the symptoms ease and then continue for another week and take supplements that supply Optimal levels of nutrients that your body needs. Forget about the supplements that only give you the RDA or Recommended Daily Allowance levels. They are useless and probably cheap and nasty!
Once you have got over the actual infection, maintain your health with good quality supplementation. This way you will ensure that your health will not be compromised ever again. Remember that Cystitis is an infection so you treat it as an infection. An Overactive Bladder is quite different.
The treatment for an Over Active Bladder is very similar, however, intake of fluids is different. There is usually no pain as with an infection of the bladder. So follow the steps of drinking mild, non-acitic juices such as apple juice and baby formula drinks and avoid all stimulants such as tea/coffee and avoid spicy foods, salt and spice additive foods etc, that will irritate the calm, smooth lining of the bladder. The bladder is very sensitive to change. If you eat a very spicy meal that bothers your tongue going IN, generally it will bother your bladder and your bowels going OUT. You know how the old saying goes, 'have a hot curry tonight and experience it again in the morning'? Yep, it goes out of your other openings as hot as it went in it goes out as just as hot!!
Regularly drink calming juices which are high in malic acid. It quickly neutralises the urine and makes it calm for the bladder wall. The same applies to regularly drinking Cranberry Juice to prevent repeat attacks of cystitis. Cranberry is not effective whilst you are having an attack though. It is only effective in the prevention of further attacks. Think soothing drinks and enjoy the effects.
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