Friday, April 1, 2011

If you start your period early say 10 years old will you go into menopause earlier too?


I started at 10, 7 years ago, is it possible or some sort of fact that if you start earlier, then you will "finish" earlier too?


Baby girls are born with as many eggs the will ever need, some will die & some mature until all the reproductive organs work together then they will have there first period sometimes as young as 8 or as old as 18.women could have menopause on average at 45 & as late as 55 or some can get it even earlier through medical reasons or they could get it as young as there early 30s. There's know given time unless of course there's a medical reason. I hope that answers your question. Hope it Helps. Good Luck


More related to when your mother had the menopause - generally speaking you would have your menopause then too. The only exception to the rule is if your mother went through the menopause early due to a medical reason such as hysterectomy or chemotherapy.


woah i never even thought of that lol i started young too. in 4th grade i think i was 10

Berwyn Heights
New Llano
Paradise Hill

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