Friday, April 1, 2011

Are blood clots in a period a sign of the menopause?


I'm 40, never had children and have only been having blood clots for the last 8 months. Sometimes they are the size of the tampon. I can also suddenly have a very heavy 'flood' and the cramps can be very painful. The time between periods is also geting shorter but the periods themselves are no longer. Could it be pre-menopause? Or anything to be concerned about?


i hope not... things like that happen to me sometimes and i am 23, but i never worried about it really because i have always had problems and my mum did too so i haven't really thought about it, having looked at some of your answers i think i might have too see my doctor about it :/


Usually, though, the clots are very small. If you are having quite big ones it just means that you have quite a lot of blood at the period. You should make sure you don't get anaemic by eating plenty of iron-rich foods or taking iron supplements. Clots don't mean there is anything wrong with you. Your far too young for menopause! It is normal - remember that you're shedding the blood lining of your uterus! I dont think its anything to be concerned about but maybe to put your mind at ease go to your gp or close family planning clinic. Your body's obviously changing because youve just hit 40.. Your body needs to adjust.


It sounds like you've had a change in lifestyle in some way. Are you on your feet more/less? Has your activity level changed in any way? are you stressed? Those are the things that change my period. I just recently read a great deal about menopause because I was wondering if I was going into it way too early and I didn't read anything about clotting.


Blood clots are not indicative of the menopause. Fibriods, which become more common at your age are one possibility. However you do need to go and see your GP. Provided a recent smear is normal, the next investigation should be an ultrasound scan.


I started Menopause at the age of 44 I was in the throes of it....passing pieces of liver...sorry to be so graphic...but true!!! Be careful and watch it..I almost became Anemic....I would only have approx. a week (if lucky) between periods. Good luck...HUGS!!


i dont think its a sighn on menopause, Thats normal sweaty nights. Chech this websitehttp://www. nhsdirect. nhs. uk/articles/article. aspx? articleid=246Very useful. x


Mine started clotting when I was like 14ish. All blood clots, thats what it does.


i get blood clots and im only 23 so no i don't think its a sign of menopause


If they are the size of a tampont hen you should probably see a doctor; I've never personally heard of that being a sign of pre-menopause or anything like that, but its worth getting checked out anyway. Especially if you have pretty bad cramps. You could have endometriosis or something like that, and it can get pretty serious if left untreated. You're a bit young for menopause I'd say, but I guess everyone is different!

Minor Lane Heights
Valencia West
Van Vleck
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