Saturday, April 2, 2011

What are the typical signs of menopause?


I'm 45...shouldn't I be showing signs by now? I'm not. I can't ask my mother because she had a hysterectomy at 36, and my grandmother is dead. There's no one else in my family to ask about the average age for our family, but it seems like I ought to be showing symptoms by now!


Some women don't start going thru menopause until they are in their fifties. Some of the most common symptoms areChanges in your menstrual cycle - i. e., longer or shorter periods, heavier or lighter periods, or missed periods Hot flashes (power surges -- sudden rush of heat from your chest to your head) Palpitations, skipped heartbeats Internal shaking / tremor-like feelings Night sweats Vaginal dryness Dry skin and skin changesYou may be one of the lucky ones that will breeze right through it.


You become a ***** and no one can stand to be around you.


starts out with abnormal periods, first long ones with heavy bleeding and then they shorten with less bleeding, then you may start skipping them....and some women cant sleep well. You will become emoitional...cry alot ect... have hot flashes...night sweats ect.....some women go through the change and never even have any symptoms at all, but one thing is for will know when it happens darling...good luck. also...most women dont feel symptoms until they reach 50


Technically, you don't actually "hit" menopause until it's been one year since your final menstrual period. In the United States, that happens about age 51, on average. The signs and symptoms of menopause, however, often appear long before the one-year anniversary of your final period. They include: * Irregular periods * Decreased fertility * Vaginal dryness * Hot flashes * Sleep disturbances * Mood swings * Increased abdominal fat * Thinning hair * Loss of breast fullnessThe most accurate way to determine if you are in menopause it to observe for lack of menstrual cycles for 12 consecutive months when you are in the appropriate age group, which is anywhere between 40 and 58.


moodswings hot flushes no periods or regular hormone imbalanced

Castle Shannon

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