Monday, March 21, 2011

When do women generally start menopause and how long does it last?


I'm in my early 40's and was wondering when I should be concerned about menopause. I've been very moody lately and just don't feel like myself...could this be pre-menopause? What are some of the symptoms emotional and physical that accompany menopause? How long does menopause last?


50 to death


Great question. I'm going through the same. Thanks for the information. Report Abuse


When I was 15 I started to have irregular periods (2 times a month or skip 2-3 months). I would always be hot (hot flashes) too. Then, at the age of 21 I was diagnosed with POF - Premature Ovarian Failure (ran out of eggs). You can say I went through premature menopause. Check out this site for more info on symptoms of POF, which are probably similar to menopause: http://pofsupport. org/Good Luck!


it can last years, you know there is a test at wal-mart by pregnancy test to test if you have menopause. I aunt went through it at your age. everyones different. Signs and symptoms are moody, sweating, irregular bleeding, flow change, breast tenderness. It can happen between 40-65 and can take up to five years to actually go through the whole process. (out of my nursing book)


you have alot of it right,, also sometimes comes with alot of bleeding and weekness, along with moody and sweats, see your doctor, hell know and get you on the right track so your feeling good as you go threw this change, witch can take from 1 year to 3 :-( , but after is all said and done, youll be a new and happy woman :-)


http://sexafter60.explore-me. comyou will find answerits good site :)

Calico Rock

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