Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How to know if you are pregnant

1. Nausea

If you like the majority of women, about one month after impregnation, you will begin to have signs of morning sickness. Pregnant women often feel a little nausea in the morning. Or not only morning, may including lunch, dinner ... All pregnant women have vomiting.
This signs will reduce at the fourth month of pregnancy in half of pregnant women. In other women, this symptom will last for more than one month, or it may end sooner.

2. Increased sensitivity to smell
If you are pregnant for the first time, it is common if you're annoyed by the smell of food or even you can't stand the smell of a cup of coffee ... This phenomenon may be due to the rapid effect of the increasing production of estrogen in your body. This symptom can also occur for certain types of food in which maybe your favorite food before.

3. Body temperature is higher than normal
When tracking the temperature chart of your body and seeing your temperature is upper in 18 consecutive days, then you can be sure you have a baby.

4. Tiredness
Feeling tired can come at any time, but that will not make you so exhausted. Fatigue during pregnancy can come rapidly due to the increase of progesterone hormone. It also makes you feel sleepy more than usual.
You should be prepared to face these symptoms in the last two weeks of pregnancy, because the tiredness will be more often when your body becomes heavier. Some uncomfortable signs of pregnancy will make you feel hard to sleep at night.

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