Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Weight Loss In Days

Weight loss in days is possible as many of you struggling with your weight already know but it doesn't help to keep pounds off. Soon after losing a few pounds, you gain them all back and sometimes even more. For this reason, weight loss is a lifestyle change. Anyone looking for weight loss in days eventually gets disappointed in the end because the results are so ephemeral.

Depending on your current weight, you can shed pounds in a few days by limiting food intake. Usually the first pounds that you lose are water and muscle because these are the energy stores that your body is using first. Stored fat is used later. Those who exercise know just the right exercise routine to manipulate this fact to their advantage. Successful weight loss, however, can only happen through constant effort and lifestyle changes to be long lasting. Therefore, weight loss in days, while possible, does not let you lose the right pounds and does not help you keep them off.

Nutritionists and dietitians recommend that weight loss does not exceed 1 to 2 pounds a week for successful shedding of pounds with no return. If you only target to lose 2 pounds a week, then it also makes it easier to follow such a diet plan, albeit results will be obvious much slower. The question to ask therefore is: Do you want weight loss in days with gaining back the lost pounds a few months later or do you want slow and consistent loss with lasting results? Weight loss in days is usually quick and painless, as easy as taking a pill out of a bottle. Sustained weight loss takes a lot more time and effort and requires lifestyle changes for keeping pounds off for life.

Once you make the commitment, then you can start making a plan. A good plan should also be accompanied by positive attitude. Whenever you are making a choice for a particular food or dish, stop and think first if this is helping you with your diet plan. Believe that you can achieve the results that you desire and don't use food to comfort yourself. Think about lasting results and not just weight loss in days. There will be setbacks but if you persevere, you will enjoy the many benefits that a healthy weight provides. Think of all the benefits that you receive for your general health, appearance and self-esteem and keep up the hard work.

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