Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Promoting Urban Health in New York

Night and Day Medical was created to provide quality, accessible and diversified health care to the New York's urban community. Our mission is to provide chiropractic care in an affordable, easy access manner of promoting wellness through the enhancement of disease treatment to all members of the community.

To do so we treat a variety of illnesses in a quick and efficient way, but in a way that receives personalized attention of prompt and accurate diagnosis provided by board certified physicians. This attention is augmented by the latest technological techniques and NDM's careful approach to problem solving.

We take this mission very seriously as we feel the health of the community is dependant of each individual's family health management. In taking this approach NDM is being recognized as a leading contributor of health care and program initiation.

Two blocks away from the United Nations Headquarters and the Presbyterian Hospital our center provides a team that was carefully collected. This inclusive, professional and para-professional staff is deliberately designed to function as a team providing coordinated and efficient health services to this community.

We recognize that illness usually occurs at the most indiscriminately time. As the recent closing of several hospitals the management of your health and that of your family may appear to be even more unsettling. We make every effort to reduce this unsettling of health management.

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