Monday, August 22, 2011

Some Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

At the time you become pregnant there will be many questions as well as doubts that will be coming to your mind regarding what needs to be done and what not. It is always a good idea to ask for the doctor regarding the things you are really concerned about. One of the major concerns would be what kind of diet to be followed. For this you actually need to know is that what foods to avoid during pregnancy. Here are some of them:


Raw meat:

You should not prefer consuming raw as well as uncooked fist as well as meat as it will comprise of salmonella. You need to check out steak which will still be pink as well as ensure fish is flaky.


Raw eggs:

You should avoid having raw eggs and make sure to cook it till yolk is hard. There is the same reason for it that is it comprise of salmonella. Therefore you need to be careful at the time of eating foods that might comprise of uncooked eggs.

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