Monday, August 22, 2011

Missed Period and Missed Contraceptive Pill – Two common Occurrences in a Woman's Life

There are various reasons behind a woman to miss her menstrual period between the ages of puberty and menopause. But, pregnancy is the most common reason for a missed period. When you report your health provider about missing period, the first thing she will do is pregnancy test.

If the pregnancy test is negative, some other causes of missed period include:

•    Stress

•    Medications

•    Increased exercise
•    Weight gain or loss

•    Extreme dieting or malnutrition

•    Heavy tobacco smoking

•    Pituitary tumors

•    Premature ovarian failure

•    Perimenoapuse

•    Infections of the pelvic organs

•    Hormonal imbalances

•    Polycystic ovarian syndrome

•    Sexually transmitted diseases

Any changes identified in these can cause you to skip the period.

Oral contraceptives pills can also result in missed period. Usually, the pills have lower estrogen content that leads the lining of the uterus to become thin. Sometimes your menstrual period goes with light bleeding and sometimes results in skipped period.

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