Tuesday, March 22, 2011

When is the earliest a woman can start menopause?


Can it start in their 30's? Or is that way too early?


Some women have been known to begin menopause in their 20's. Yes, it IS too early, but at the same time with all the hormones being injected into our foods and beverages, our bodies hormonal systems are out of whack. So yes, while 30's is too young, unfortunately it's far more common than people would think.


depends on family history...some people get their periods really early so therefore they start menopause early. Say you get your period when you are 8-10..you will probably get menopause in your mid 30s - late 30s


Women in their twenties can go into menopause and it is called premature menopause. The causes of this need to be explored by a doctor. Thirty is not unheard of but not normal so if you think this is happening you need to schedule an appointment.


In some rare cases, menopause can be start during the early age. However it will be advisable to consult your doctor about the symptom you experience before you take any action to treat it.


Every woman, since the dawn of humanity, has gone through menopause. Menopause is a natural event in every woman's life. You're not sick, but you sure don't feel good! Grandmother called it "the change of life." It's simply the body deciding you don't have to get pregnant anymore. Whee! That's the good part. Unfortunately, the transition from being a fertile woman to a healthy, happy non-fertile woman has some uncomfortable symptoms. You know what they are. You're probably experiencing them. Menopause can start from 30 - 40, depending with your health

Frazier Park
St. Thomas

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