Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What is the best thing to help my menopause??


Everymonth I struggle with hot flashes and migraine headaches. Sometimes worse than other times. This month was the worst. I really suffered and I felt so nausiated. I really need help understanding this because this is all new to me.


Menopause is a stage in life when a woman stops having her monthly period. It is a normal part of aging, marking the end of a woman's reproductive years. Get enough calcium. A woman going through menopause needs 1000 mg to 1500 mg of calcium a day. Avoid excessive amounts of salt to reduce bloating associated with hormonal changes. More information and remedies at http://useinfo4.blogspot. com/


Im a student of chinese medicine and know it works excellent (chinese herbs and acupuncture) with menopause. My aunt told me she couldn't have gotten through menopause without her acupuncturist. Here is a site you can locate one near you (make sure it says they specialize in women's health issues)www. acufinder. com Be well!


Multiple possible solutions, suggest you go to links and start doing the research. There are both natural (flaxseed, hot cohosh) and pharmacutical (HRT) solutions.


my gynocologist told my mom about chinese medicine.. hers stopped!!

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