Sunday, August 28, 2011

Can You Prevent Menopause?

Can You Prevent Menopause?

Lisha Hopf, BS RDH

For now, the answer sadly, is no.  However, you can learn how to demystify menopausal symptoms and regain control of your life.  Too many women are accepting "this is just the way it is", or they are medicating their symptoms rather than understanding what is really going on.  Medicine does have a lot to offer and consulting your doctor is certainly a good idea.  For women who are in the midst of menopause it is difficult to get through your day so getting some pointers to help you stop the menopause madness is of the utmost importance.

If you happen to have a doctor who understands and appreciates that you are unique and so your hormone replacements must be also then you are lucky.  For many women, they go to their doctors expecting them to have all the answers and "fix" them with one pill, lotion or potion.  When this doesn't work, or the women themselves do not understand their options, more frustration is inevitable.

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