Sunday, July 31, 2011

Menopause Health Supplements - A Safe and Inexpensive Alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapy

For most women, menopause is an inevitable fact of life. It would be nice to say that this transition period is smooth, but in reality, it is anything but. As many as 70% of women who go through menopause will encounter unpleasant symptoms such as hot flashes, loss of libido, vaginal dryness, weight gain, bloating, and anxiety.

Finding the right kind of treatment to manage these symptoms is crucial, and that's where menopause health supplements can help. Supplements that are made from natural ingredients have many advantages over just relying on prescription drugs. For example:

Because they use natural ingredients such as red clover and chasteberry, menopause health supplements are less prone to side effects of traditional menopause treatment like hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Research by National Institute of Healths has shown that HRT, either in combined therapy of estrogen and progesterone, or just estrogen alone, can increase the risk of stroke, heart attack, breast cancer, or endometrial cancer.

They are cost-effective. HRT, which comes in pills or patches, require prescription that can quickly add up the cost.

They can be used in conjunction with prescription drugs if one desires, because there are no interactions.

The key ingredients in menopause health supplements are red clover and chasteberry. They are known to lessen many of the symptoms typically associated with menopause. Red clover in particular is very beneficial because it contains natural plant-based chemicals known as isoflavones that produce estrogen-like effects. This in essence cuts down on the need for estrogen therapy. Chasteberry is known to reduce cyclical breast pain (mastalgia), which is another common symptom of menopause.

Another ingredient, piperine extract, is found in black peppers and is known to improve digestion and relieve pain. More importantly, it stimulates the production of serotonin, which is a mood-enhancing and pain-relieving neurotransmitter. Mood swings, anxiety, irritability, and depression are some of the common emotional effects of menopause, so the boost in serotonin production can address these issues.

The symptoms of menopause can last anywhere from 10 to 15 years, which is certainly a long time to be miserable. Women typically have to endure a lot during and beyond their reproductive years. The least they can do for themselves is to take care of their bodies in the healthiest, most natural way possible. Taking menopause health supplements accomplish that goal for women, at a most inconvenient and sometimes painful stage in their lives.

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