Saturday, July 30, 2011

About Home Treatments For Bacterial Vaginosis

There many home treatments for bacterial vaginosis. A woman's vagina consists of various types of bacteria. Typically, more beneficial bacteria is present in the vagina than infectious bacteria.

But when this balance is altered, and there is more bad than good bacteria, then this infection could occur. This ailment is commonly found in women of childbearing age. There are various natural cures that are known to be useful in treating this infection.

Women who suffer from this ailment will normally be given antibiotics by their GYN. The infection will usually clear up in a few days. However, this type of infection is known for returning. The infection typically reoccurs around two months after treatment. All of the symptoms return, which include severe itching and, at times, a burning sensation.

Regular douching is often used to clean the infected region but if the douching is performed too frequently, it may cause problems as it will disrupt the natural balance of vaginal fluids. And when this occurs, it could lead to other infections and more serious conditions. If douching is used, it should be performed in moderation.

There are a number different home cures for this particular ailment that involve applying plain natural yogurt to the infected area. Only a certain type of yogurt can be used in order for it to be effective. Lactobacillus acidophilus should be among the ingredients that are included in the yogurt for the treatment. This type of treatment is used to restore normal ph within the vagina.

An additional cure that uses a solution mix is a combination of water and boric acid which is utilized to restore acidity levels within the vaginal area. However, it is important to note that many doctors advise against this method because boric acid may lead to skin tissue damage. There are additional alternative remedies including soaking a Tampon in yogurt and inserting it into the vagina to bring relief to itching.

Vinegar and water has been a commonly used treatment for Bacterial Vaginosis. The vinegar will help to bring balance to the flora found in the vaginal area. This solution is additionally used to reduce irritation and itchiness. A number of natural treatments have also included the addition of essential oils, however, it is critical to use these with extreme care. It is advisable to seek an expert opinion from your primary care physician or GYN, prior to trying any kind of all natural remedy for this condition.

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