Sunday, May 29, 2011

How To Cure Your Yeast Infection - You Can Treat It Naturally At Home Without You Having To Go To A Doctor

How to cure your yeast infection without having to go to the doctor, and you can do it with a few items you probably have in your kitchen...interested? Good, I thought you would be. You simply need to get the bad bacteria in your vagina under control and you'll get relief from the burning and itching sensations caused by your bacterial vaginosis.

A vaginal infection is an annoying problem for far to many women. Face it, it is embarrassing, isn't it? You do not really want to discuss your private area with a doctor, or anybody else. Well you can get relief at home in private with a few simple remedies. And natural yeast infection cures get rid of the problem for good, whereas, prescription medication only provides a temporary treatment.

If you follow a proven holistic approach to treatment of your yeast infection, you can get rid of your bacterial vaginosis. You can get rid of the condition if you persist with a natural treatment.

Here are three tips that will help you overcome your smelly vaginal odor.

1. A natural treatment you can try is to soak a tampon in tea tree oil and insert into your vagina for half an hour. After the treatment wash yourself with warm water.

2. Try using yogurt as a treatment. It contains bacteria that is beneficial to your body and will get rid of the nasty bacteria that is causing your yeast infection and the burning and itching associated with the infection. Eat some every day to increase the good bacteria in your body. Again, you can coat a tampon with yogurt and insert into your vagina, but leave it in longer then you would tea tree oil, maybe a few hours. When done, again, just wash your genital area with warm water. Keep repeating until you get rid of the infection.

3. Garlic has many antibiotic and anti fungal properties that are quite effective at getting rid of the odor causing bacteria in your vagina. Just wrap a piece in gauze, dip in olive oil and insert into your vagina. Leave it in for maybe half an hour and the wash with warm water as usual. Eat lots of garlic with your meals if you can. This helps by getting the garlic into your urinary system where it can kill off the bacteria that is troublesome.

If your at all interested in how to cure your yeast infection, give these simple tips a try, they will help you get relief from your vaginal odor and you'll quickly find relief of your yeast infection.

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