Thursday, April 28, 2011

Is this premature menopause or secondary infertility?


A few years ago I was on the depo shot for birth control. I ended up having my period for 2 months straight. My husband and I have been TTC for a few months now and we are having trouble. I was just wondering if the fact that I had my period for that long could cause premature menopause? I am also 3 days late for my period this month and 2 pregnancy tests have said negative. Anyone know why this is?


The only way to tell if you are going thru premature menopause is to have some blood work done. I would speak to your OB/GYN. They will probably test FSH, LH, Estradiol, along with some others. If you have been trying for longer than a year you should see your OB anyway.

Rosie don't list your age. Premature menopause is basically menopause that starts before age 40. Having a long period can't cause premature menopause. In fact, nothing can "cause" premature menopause except for getting your ovaries removed or going through chemotherapy. Sometimes for reasons that nobody knows a woman will have premature menopause. The reason that any woman goes through menopause is because her ovaries are depleted of eggs. A long period will not affect your egg supply at all! The depo shot shouldn't be affecting your fertility as this point if it's been a few years since you've been on it. As far as being 3 days late for your period...that could mean only a few things. Either you ovulated later than normal or you are pregnant. Since women always ovulate about 14 days BEFORE their period you can only truly know you are late for your period if you've been tracking ovulation in some way. You can track ovulation by charting your BBT or by using OPK's. Also, ttc for only a few months doesn't indicate any fertility problem. Generally if you are under 35 a doctor won't do infertility tests until you have been trying for a year. If you are over 35 then they like to start testing if you go over 6 months without conception


First of all, how old are you? It is highly doubtful that it is premature menopause if you are under 40. Are you hoping that it is secondary infertility? Because this is a question that should not cross the mind of a young, menstruating female. You probably need to go to you doctor and ask for progesterone tabs for 10 days. That will jump start your period again.


I also have issues with Menopause. I posted my question on wish123 and got an answer from an expert who solved my problem. Highly recommend the website.

Lincoln City
Eagle Butte
Cawker City
Idyllwild-Pine Cove

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