Tuesday, April 26, 2011

How To Yeast Infection Treatment at Home

There are several yeast infection causes. Mostly common in women, they make their presence felt as vaginal yeast infections. For those who experience chronic yeast infections, it is imperative to find out how to treat and cure yeast infection.

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most effective ways to deal with this problem. You can include it in your diet as well as make use of it as an external medicine. But never use it on the skin directly as it can burn very badly. It needs to be diluted before usage, so the best way to go about it is to add about a cup of vinegar to your bath water and take a relaxing bath.

Refrain from douching and taking very hot baths in order to prevent reinfection. Keep your vaginal area dry. Avoid scented feminine care products, including feminine hygiene sprays, scented napkins and tampons, and bubble bath products. Wear panties made of breathable, natural fibers such as cotton; avoid synthetic materials that can hold moisture against your vagina.

This sort of micro organism usually are found when a pure component of the digestive tract and vagina. Probiotics will stop the extreme development of the yeast micro organism and are available in the type of an oral supplement or vaginal suppository.

Another simple yeast infection remedy: Spend 20 minutes a warm bath that has 1/2 cup salt and 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar added. A few drops of tea tree oil in the water will also help.

Make sure that the areas that are affected by the infection stay dry and clean. Garlic is one of those miracle drugs that have multipurpose uses and is a great natural cure for yeast infections. Garlic naturally dispels the fungi that promote yeast infections. This can be taken internally as well as used externally. Eat a garlic clove every morning to prevent the onset of yeast infections, in the first place, or else begin to start consuming them after the onset of the infection.

Lubricate a tampon with KY Jelly and then add a few drops of pure Tea Tree Oil and insert at night. Repeat this for 3-4 days. This is a very good natural remedy for yeast infections.

Some girls don't wish this methodology as an outcome of the smell, but garlic is highly suggested for curing yeast infections and too many other illnesses of the body. Garlic are generally taken orally, but can also be inserted vaginally in clove or pill form.

Take a Lactobacillus acidophilus supplement (a probiotic). This is good bacteria which helps to recolonise where the yeast overgrowth has happened - you can get it at any good health store.

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