Thursday, March 24, 2011

I am in fullblown menopause what is the best hormone replacement therepy?


I just turned 48. I have hotflashes and nightsweats. I stay tired and have no energy. I have had tests and bloodwork done and Dr. said I am in fullblown menopause. I just want to know what to do to feel good again.


You can try natural herb for menopause. Nowadays most of the women rather preferred on trying some herbal menopause treatment which greatly appear to them as softer options. The use of the herbal menopause treatment has been continually increasing due to the reason that most herbalists greatly prescribed herbal menopause treatments. These herbs for menopause do not pose any serious side effects or risks for those who use them.


You might consider bhrt. Bioidentical hormones can reduce various symptoms before, during or after menopause. BHRT has the unique advantage over regular prescription medications. Bioidentical hormones are compounded, meaning, the prescription is made specifically for each individual patient to meet their unique needs. Natural progesterone cream is a common bioidentical hormone therapy for menopausal women. You might also consider other natural solutions such as changing your diet, exercise, and natural herbal remedies such as black cohosh, chaste tree, damiana, dandelion, dong quai, false unicorn root, ginkgo, ginseng, licorice, red clover, and sage.


This website is awesome. You go to it then in the top right hand you will see a search engine. Type in hormone replacement and you will get gads of information and also actual womens posts about what worked and didnt work for them> You can go to forums and ask questions and read answers. Its a great site for women and womens issues. http://www. hystersisters. com/Good luck by the way with your body....and hope you find peace and the craziness ends for you.


http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/hormone…

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