Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Tubal Blockage Removal Options

Blocked fallopian tubes are answerable for about 40 per cent of the infecundity cases in women. Fallopian tubes are brace thin tubes, one on each interest of the uterus, which help conduct the mature egg from the ovaries to the uterus.

The causes of tubal blockage contain adhesions, infections, pelvic inflammatory disease, seam tissue, endometriosis, damaged tube ends, damaged fimbria or hurt to the lumen (lining of the hollow cylinder).

Surgery is therefore needed to try to exact this common cause of infertility. The limited type of surgery, however, will depend on the location and extent of the fallopian pipe blockage.

Blockage removal methods include:

-Reversal of tubal ligation. This is furthermore known as tubal reanastomosis and is a management usually done through an abdominal cut or laparotomy (a surgical procedure involving a comprehensive incision through the abdominal wall to secure access into the abdominal cavity). It is typically transacted to reverse a tubal ligation or to repair a portion of the fallopian pipe damaged by disease. The blocked or disordered portion of the tube is removed, and the two healthy ends of the tube are then joined.

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