Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Truth Behind 6 Yeast Infection Myths

A of the healing art condition that is caused by one overgrowth of the candida yeast is called a yeast infection. As with many other health conditions, there are some misconceptions not far from this condition and listed below are the truths aft these myths:

1. Only women acquire infected with yeast infection.

The fungus responsible for yeast infection lives in a human body, be it a man, woman, bantling, or baby. It does thrive victory in a dark, moist and rouse area, such as the vagina. But it have power to also grow in the penis or the vociferate, as with men and children. It be possible to also affect the skin and the intestines. The yeast grow due to multitude factors like taking antibiotics, lack of hygienics, allergies to laundry detergents and inveterate stress.

2. A special diet be possible to help cure the infection.

Yeast rely up the body sugar for its sustenance, and on the supposition that you keep incorporating this in your diet, of the like kind as with drinking sweetened tea or coffee, or corrosive starchy food, it would be harder to get rid of it. A healthy prescribed portion of probiotics, like eating unsweetened yogurt quotidian, can help with the infection. There is nay specific or special diet needed granting. You just need to reduce flatter intake and keep your meals balanced.

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