Thursday, May 17, 2012

Heart Attack Prevention Starts Now

Did you comprehend that the leading cause of departure in the United States is intent attack? Most of those who die abruptly of Heart Disease will have t any " warning signs ". Whether you are in your 20s and regard no history of heart disease in your house or in your 50s and backward to take steps to avoid it, hither are seven ways to prevent having a inner part attack. The source of ALL core disease is inflammation!  

1. Add Lemon 

Almost everyone has resolution disease. Heart disease is simply the accretion of plaque in your arteries. If you be destitute of to learn more about heart illness, buy our book Diabetes Diet. We vogue through this subject extensively in the courage section of our book. Lemon is your absolute most of all line of defense in heart illness. It dissolves the calcium that binds plate of a clasp together. Lemon sweeps away artery brooch. 

Squeeze one lemon in the peep of day 15 minutes before you eat. Add 1oz of new lemon juice to 8oz purified shed. Sweeten to taste. Do this each morning for at least 1 month. Lemon sap does NOT cause acid. It is actually less acidic that your stomach tart. To eliminate acid please go to our tart section click here now .

2. STOP Eating Long Chain Fatty Acids

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