Thursday, November 3, 2011

11 Secret Foods That Ease Menopause Symptoms

Good for you, you have decided to take control of yourself, instead of Menopause controlling you! One of the big steps in your personal makeover as making the right food choices. If you did not know, food choices impacts your symptoms, your energy, your frame of mind.

I am going to share with you 11 foods that have really helped me overcome those negative side affects of menopause. To name a few, bloating, anxiety, depression and constipation. These foods not only help with those wicked symptoms of menopause, but they burn belly fat, and eliminate it; they make your skin glow, increase your energy, help you sleep. These great foods are so good for you, and to you. Doesn't that make you feel a little better?

Here are the 11 Secret Foods that give you clear eyes, soft hair and nails, strong immunity. You will feel energized, empowered, and strong.These good foods even reduce the appearance of wrinkles, add oxygen to your blood, and soften your skin, along with all the other benefits I listed above. And they are so yummy, and filling. Come on, let me introduce you to our friends.

1) Cucumbers - Full of chlorophyll and oxygen, cucumbers are loaded with vitamins and minerals. A fabulous high PH, low sugar, must eat. So yummy and crisp in salads, juices and smoothies.

2) Avocados - A fruit, who knew. With more potassium than a banana. Packed with 70% good fats and oils that give you a slow burn that works on your fat, non - stop.

3) Lime - Even though this fruit is considered acidic,when the body breaks it down, it has an alkalizing effect on the body. This lowers the bodies Ph, protecting us, and burning fat. Limes give that "sweet" taste to foods.

4) Almonds - A fabulous snack! The monounsaturated fats and vitamin E will help lower your LDL cholesterol. It's a healthy substitute for people with wheat allergies or diabetics. And it helps clear your complexion.

5) Wild Caught Salmon - So much protein, vitamin D and omega - 3 fatty acids. These fish are full of good cholesterol, and the proteins and omega - 3 fatty acids are used in your fat burning furnace.

6) Fresh Spinach - Loaded with antioxidants. A strong iron source, vitamins A,E,C & K, and even those great omega - 3 fatty acids. Truly a "super" veggie.

7) Asparagus - Very low in calories and so high in antioxidants. With the nutrient density and wonderful source of fiber, asparagus aids in your digestion, and gives you a natural protein that helps build long, lean muscle.

8) Tomato - Wow, another low sugar, fat burning fruit.Tomatoes have an ostonishingly high level of vitamin A and some have even double the amount of vitamin C. Yummy too.

9) Sprouted Seed Bread - the healthiest alternative to satisfy your bread and carb needs. Yea, you get toast!Plus they are high in fiber,and have a great protein content to keep your muscles strong.

10) Olive Oil - Delicious and full of the monounsaturated fats that help reduce coronary heart disease. The fatty acids in this oil have anti - inflammatory and anti - hypertensive properties.

11) Broccoli - An anti - viral, anti - bacterial goodie. Broccoli,will all that vitamin C, helps burn fat and is an excellent source of fiber.

Look at that list! You can have toast and nuts to snack on and calorie counting, no portion control. And you are Burning Fat while you eat.

Add lots of water with Super Greens Supplement, and Honey, You are a fat burning machine!

Don't worry, don't give up, more help is on the way! Over the next couple of weeks you will be receiving more ammunition to fight those hormones that add belly fat, as well as so many other awful symptoms. I know what you are going though, and I am going to help you win back you sanity, your self.

Hang in there!

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