Monday, October 10, 2011

How Non-Surgical Weight Loss Can Be the Pathway to a Healthier Life

Why did my diet fail?

This is a question many of us ask ourselves. "I mean I did everything I was supposed to do and still I haven't lost a pound! Or if I lost a few, I immediately gain them back after stopping the diet."

The causes seem to be various:

1. Most diets are just a short-term plan

They imply starving yourself and immediately after finishing the week or weeks of dieting you just go back to your bad habits. Your body that has been deprived of essential nutrients tries to take all it needs from what you are eating. This way the result is sudden weight gain.


2. Cheating

Sometimes you don't even realize when you are cheating. Even if you have just a piece of chocolate or a glass of wine, it's still cheating.


3. You're not eating the right foods

There are several foods that even if are low fat ones they might have a lot of sugar, bad carbohydrates and other things that do not help at all. For example, a fruit yogurt has twice as many calories as a simple one. In addition to that, it has a high percentage of carbohydrates and preservatives. The gastric balloon – a viable alternative

Intragastric balloons, or gastric balloons for obesity and weight loss, have been used for this purpose since the 1980's. The stomach balloon fills a portion of the stomach cavity and causes the stomach to empty its contents at a slower rate, resulting in satiety and diminished food intake.

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