Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Various types of weight loss pills

Nowadays there are several people having a dream to loss weight and maintain a slim figure. But it takes patience and self discipline to go on with any weight loss program. There are people who wish to get a short cut making the process less time consuming. Several prescription pills are there which can be availed over the counter.

These weight loss pills works in three ways. Usually the pills available in the market suppress the appetite enabling you to eat less. Secondly some of them aim to make you feel the fullness after eating, for long time. While the others work by inhibiting the absorption of fat.

Types of weight loss pills

There are several types of weight loss pills which are beneficial to maintain a fit physique.

Thermogenics: These pills are designed in a way to increase the metabolism of your body and temperature which helps to burn more calories. They are considered under general Weight Loss pills which can be taken by anyone.

Appetite suppressor: While dieting most of the people constantly carve for food. For them this type of pill is the best option. Usually they contain hoodia, an African herb known for its quality to suppress appetite.

Thyroid regulators: These pills are similar to thermogenic pills. The only difference in them is they regulate the thyroid glands as to increase the metabolism. So people feeling tired and unalert during dieting can go for these pills.

Fat blockers: The phenomena of these pills are to block fat in the body. It contains Chitosan, a natural fiber. Today in market several fat blocker pills are available which can turn your slow diet to a fast one.

Cortisol blocker: Usually cortisol is known for accumulation of fat on the body. So these pills help to block the increase of cortisol in the body.

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