Saturday, August 6, 2011

Treatment to control heart burn during pregnancy and acid reflux treatment methods: a review

Heartburn during pregnancy is one of the most common and harmless complaints. Between 40 and 80 percent of women suffer from heartburn during pregnancy - some already in the first weeks of pregnancy, other women the heartburn occurs only in the last weeks of pregnancy. Because of the altered hormonal balance, the sphincter between the esophagus and stomach is weakened.

When for example, the pressure from stooping or bending over can cause the acidic stomach contents to get up into the esophagus which leads to an unpleasant burning pain below the sternum. The thicker the belly gets, the more the child can press on the stomach, which can lead to heartburn as well. The high production of progesterone and estrogen (yes, again hormones) is to blame for the unpleasant heartburn during the second half of pregnancy As it happens, hormones relax the muscles of the digestive tract, including the muscular ring between the esophagus and stomach, allowing stomach acid and digested food from refluxing into the esophagus causing a burning or stinging sensation.

 This general relaxation also causes slow digestion and bloating. It's not only the acidity during pregnancy, there are causes that have nothing to do with pregnancy hormones, such as stomach acid to irritate the sensitive esophageal mucosa. But that is another matter. There are many ways to make a positive impact when heartburn increases during pregnancy. This should first be tried before drug therapy is even thought of. The doctor may prescribe a drug for heartburn when it is very painful and annoying. He will do this, but only after a careful cost-benefit analysis. He will always try to avoid any medications during pregnancy. Heartburn is more common in the third quarter because as the uterus grows it is pressing on your stomach. But there are cases where the acidity appears from the beginning of pregnancy:

Try one of these acid reflux home remedies and tips to prevent heartburn during pregnancy. Some tips for dealing with Acid Reflux * Eat several small portions a day rather than three large meals. * Don't Lie down after eating. * Avoid greasy foods.These stimulate the production of stomach acid. * The last meal should be at least 3 hours before bedtime. * Raise the headboard of your bed a few inches. * Eat small amounts several times a day and chew slowly. * Avoid citrus fruits, raw leafy vegetables, sweets and fried foods. * avoid yogurts, tea and caffeinated products * eat cooked vegetables * a glass of cold milk if you feel heartburn * drink plenty of fluids, cold and in between. * avoid sodas and alcohol Try it almonds or hazelnuts. Chew two or three almonds or hazelnuts and mix it well with saliva. The mixture frequently neutralizes the stomach acid.

Acid reflux is a common illness that causes stomach acid and, sometimes, the food inside the stomach flows back into the esophagus because the valve that separates the two bodies is not working properly.

Acids inside the stomach are very strong - as strong as the acid from a car battery, so if it comes into the esophagus it can seriously damage it. The stomach lining is protected from acids, but the esophagus is not.

Many people are diagnosed with acid reflux each year and they can choose from many different types of treatments, depending on their diet and lifestyle.

The simplest method of treatment is a slight change in lifestyle and eating habits. The first thing you should do is always have your last meal a few hours before bedtime.

It is more likely then not that acid reflux will occur while your lying because it's easier for the stomach contents to reflux due to body position. You can also prevent reflux by raising the side of the bed where your head is. This actually should be done by all people who suffer from acid reflux.

A change in diet is also recommended, because there are certain types of foods that can promote acid reflux. Among these are bubble gum, chocolate and fatty foods.

One of the best treatments for acid reflux is to change your eating habits. Poor eating habits often lead to Acid Reflux.One should take smaller dinner service rather than reducing the problem of acid reflux, to a large extent. You must also raise the upper body when in bed. This raises the elevation above the esophagus and stomach partially restores gravity, which in turn reduces acid reflux problems.

Smoking can irritate the walls of the esophagus and increase the damage the acid does, so you should cease smoking.

There are also many medications that can help to treat acid reflux, such as antacids and special drugs that can prevent reflux and reduce the amount of acid in the stomach.

The last resort for advanced disease or if nothing else works is surgery. Doctors will strengthen the valve between the stomach and esophagus to prevent reflux. Surgery is very effective and many patients are completely cured after surgery.. Sometimes you must take the drugs prescribed after surgery too...Acid reflux surgery is not required often only in severe cases.

Try treating your acid reflux early before heartburn and other symptoms become really annoying. The sooner the treatment begins, the easier it is to cure the disease.

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