Sunday, August 28, 2011

No Side Effects of Mini-Pills

Different women have different body composition. So what may work effectively for one woman may not work or work less effectively for another. So the question is how a woman chooses the best birth control pill for her. Birth control is a serious and delicate matter, and it requires discipline. One missed pill may result in accidental pregnancy. It is also very important to consult a doctor or a pharmacist first before deciding to buy oral contraceptive pills in order to determine if there are any possible drug interactions.

Hormonal contraception methods are very reliable in preventing pregnancy. The oral contraceptive pills, commonly known as "the pill", contain either one or both synthetic female hormones, oestrogen and progestogen. These synthetic female hormones were imitated from the female body's naturally occurring hormone oestrogen and progestogen. These pills work by altering hormone production. So, the ovaries would not get a signal to release an egg if there is no peak in the oestrogen level. It also alters the uterine lining and prevents implantation of a fertilized egg if there is no increase in levels of progestogen.

Women who have been recommended not to use oestrogen-containing pills are advised to take mini-pill. The mini-pill is preferable for women who are more than 35 years of age and smoking, breastfeeding, or experience oestrogen-related side effects when they use combined pill. The mini-pill is also known as progestogen-only pill (POP. This hormone is similar to the natural hormone progestogen, which is produced in their ovaries.

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