Friday, August 5, 2011

Natural Yeast Infection Remedy For Women

The fact is, not every natural treatment is effective, and some are extremely dangerous. Fortunately, there are real natural treatments that can effectively eliminate yeast for good.

Oral contraceptive pills: Some women are at higher risk for yeast infections when they take oral contraceptives that contain high levels of estrogen in them.

Since using antibiotics destroys the 'good' bacteria in vagina that stand guard against Candidal organisms, the risk of yeast infection increases. Moreover, birth control pills cause some changes in vaginal environment that give rise to conditions favoring fungus growth.

One way to get a yeast infection is by wearing clothing that has gotten wet or damp. If you perspire heavily when exercising, or get your clothes wet, change them as soon as possible so that you don't get an infection. To avoid yeast infection avoid wearing tight underwear or other tight acrylic garments everyday. Use loose fitting cotton underwear and panties. Avoid wearing jeans, legging, panty hose every day.

Eat yogurt on a daily basis. It contains acidophilus and live bacterial cultures which regulate the levels of Candida albicans inside the vagina. Another option is to vaginally insert yogurt. Dip a tampon in non-sweetened, live culture yogurt and insert the yogurt-saturated tampon inside the vagina. Leave the tampon inside the vagina for 30 to 40 minutes twice daily. Continue this treatment until itchiness and discharge symptoms subside. By inserting yogurt into the vagina, live bacterial cultures from the yogurt attach to the vaginal wall lining and reduce the overgrowth of Candida albicans.

Boost your nutrition. If your body's immune system is weak, you'll be more likely to get recurring vaginal yeast infections. By simply taking daily vitamins, eating more fruits and vegetables, or taking herbal supplements, you can boost the nutrition levels in your body naturally, and help keep the yeast infections at bay. Eat yogurt. Eating plain unsweetened unprocessed yogurt will help boost the amount of "good" bacteria and flora in your body. And since these bacteria are what helps keep the yeast under control in your body, eating yogurt regularly can help prevent you from getting vaginal yeast infections. Eating yogurt is especially important if you're prescribed an antibiotic to take care of some other illness or infection in your body too, because this is when you'll be most vulnerable to getting a vaginal yeast infection.

One proven home treatment is the application of cooled aloe vera juice on the affected area to relieve itchiness. Furthermore, it is believed that soaking oneself in a tub of water with five drops of tea tree oil can kill the yeasts that cause the pesky infection. Combining elm powder and water until it turns into a consistency of a paste, then applying it to infected area can also stop the itchiness


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