Thursday, August 11, 2011

Know more about the infertility treatment in Europe

When it comes to infertility treatment Europe, there are a number of different treatments available out there. Most infertility treatment includes surgical as well as medical techniques. However, the course that a woman or man should undertake entirely depends on their specific needs and bodily conditions.

Some infertility treatment options are mentioned below

Ovarian drilling -

This surgical procedure of laparoscopy is carried out when fiber punctures the ovary between 4-10 times. It is usually performed on women that show  PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). While the side effects of this procedure are rare, patient may witness a huge fall in male hormone levels.   

Ovulation induction -

In this procedure, follicles are stimulated by the fertility drugs. Due to this, several different eggs are produced in a single cycle. In fact, medicines used in this procedure can also control the time when eggs are released. Although it is quite popular, probabilities of multiple births or development of ovarian cyst are quite high.   

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