Sunday, July 3, 2011

Breast Biopsy - What you must know

The Breast Biopsy is the procedure where breast tissue is collected to check for cancers or other diseases. The procedure is done, when abnormalities are seen in the breast or when the woman experiences discomfort or other medical problems.

Basically, the procedure is done to examine any abnormal or suspicious growth in the mammary glands of the body. When a lump is seen in the chest, the tissues are collected by suction trough a needle or through a surgical incision. The pathologist will then examine the sample and identify it as either benign or malignant. A benign tumor or group of cells is non-cancerous whereas, a malignant tissue is cancerous and must be treated immediately. Treatment for malignant tumors employs conventional cancer-treatment methodologies.

Generally, women themselves identify the first stage of breast cancers or tumors, when they do occur. The abnormal mass of cells can be felt by the individual and most often, is also visible to the named eye. When the individual is taken for the Breast Biopsy procedure, the physician may carry it out in the operating room or even the outpatient facility. An otherwise healthy individual may be sent home soon after the procedure and may not need to be hospitalized.

Besides the presence of an anomalous lesion in the breasts, there are also other symptoms which must be reported to the physician:

A sudden bulge in the arm-pit or near the collarbone could possibly be a dispersal of cancerous cells.

The breast skin turning red or causing irritation must be reported.

The appearance of dimples or scales on the mammary organ is a cause for concern.

Swelling of the skin around the chest is also not normal

Discharge of milk, itching or retraction of the nipple may indicate a health issue.

Sometimes the size of the right and left breast may begin to change. The shape may change as well. Such changes must be discussed with you health care expert without any inhibitions.

If the woman has been experiencing pain in her chest, it should not be ignored. Breast-ache could be for various reasons and talking to your doctor about the same will certainly help treatment.

However, even though it is important to remember and report these symptoms, it is also important to understand that all abnormalities do not indicate cancers. One has to wait for the breast biopsy results to confirm any medical condition is. Watch medical videos, read about medical conditions, symptoms of diseases and treatment - stay informed, not afraid.

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