Thursday, June 16, 2011

What You Can Do to Heal Fibroids Naturally

Fibroids are tumors which affect almost 30% of women in the age group of 30-50 years. Medical research is yet to identify the exact cause of fibroids. In this article I am going to share easy do it yourself tips to heal fibroids. You can combine these measures with any other formal method of uterine fibroid treatment.

1. Switch to whole natural foods- in the current age we have come to depend more and more on packaged foods which are loaded with preservatives and chemicals. These do more harm than good. To maintain good health it is important to switch over to whole organic foods - grains, roots, leafy green vegetables, legumes and lean proteins You must also stay away from or reduce the consumption of dairy, sugar, spicy rich food, caffeine and alcohol and artificially processed food items.

2. Alternative therapies- make use of alternative forms of healing like acupuncture, acupressure and reiki. Chinese medicine practitioners believe that blocked energy is the prime cause of hormonal imbalance and disease in the body. Alternative therapies help to unblock this energy.

3. Castor oil packs- are very useful when applied to the lower abdomen. For relief from fibroid symptoms apply this pack 3-4 times a week.

4. Stress- is capable of affecting our immune system and robs the body of vital nutrients essential for overall well being. Stress impacts the endocrine system which is primarily responsible for maintaining hormonal balance in the body. Hence it is important that you take steps to remain stress free as far as possible. Practicing yoga and deep breathing exercises is very useful to maintain the mind, body equilibrium.

5. Keep a check on your body weight- as women approach menopause, due to hormonal changes occurring in the body there is a natural tendency to put on weight. Obese women are at a greater risk of suffering from fibroids as compared to lean women. Hence ensure that you maintain your ideal body weight as far as possible. In case you are overweight exercise to reduce your weight and heal fibroids. Remember excess body weight can lead to a whole lot of health issues other than fibroids.

6. Visualization- is very effective in uterine fibroid treatment for women who believe that the mind is the all powerful organ that can achieve whatever it desires. For practicing this technique immediately after you wake up every morning, close your eyes and visualize yourself being stress and fibroid free. You must picture yourself being healthy and fit. Mentally re-iterate with total conviction that your fibroids will shrink and its symptoms will disappear soon.

Do you want to get rid of Uterine Fibroids permanently? Do you know of a proven fibroids treatment that will start giving you relief within a few weeks of use? Although this may seem impossible it is 100% true. If you are serious about getting rid of fibroids naturally, discover the excellent insider secrets by clicking - Uterine Fibroid Treatment

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