Monday, June 27, 2011

Weight Gain and Menopause

Menopause is described as the time when a woman has naturally ended having menstrual periods for one year. During this time many symptoms can develop. Signs of the menopause may include hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety, irritability, pain during intercourse and weight gain. Many women will only experience a few symptoms. Some women will experience none at all. The symptoms for menopause that seem to occur the most is weight gain. Studies have found that women can gain an average of 12-15 pounds during this change in her life. In addition, there can be a change in a woman's shape, usually from a pear shape to apple shape. There is a 5% change in the metabolic rate of women. To add to this, bloating is a common problem in menopausal women.

Weight gain during this time isn't only about your looks. There can be serious health risks that develop due to the weight gain. Make sure to get regular health care check-ups. These health risks are Heart disease and stroke, High blood pressure, Osteoarthritis, Breast Cancer, High cholesterol, Kidney disease, sleep apnea, insulin resistance, more severe symptoms of the menopause.

Women's hormones also fluctuate before menopause. This prepares the body for reduced permanent level of hormones. This is when women are likely to experience weight gain. These are the hormones that play an important role:

Estrogen: The ovaries produce estrogen. As the ovaries produce less, the body finds the hormone in other places. Fat cells can produce estrogen, so the body works harder to convert calories into fat to help increase estrogen levels. Fat cells do not burn calories like muscle cells do, which can cause weight gain.

Progesterone: Decrease in these levels can cause water retention and bloating.

Testosterone: This hormone helps with the creation of lean muscle mass. As the levels drop, fewer calories are transformed into lean muscle mass. This makes the metabolism slow down.

Insulin resistance: The addition of processed and refined foods in the diet can make a body resistant to insulin. This is when a woman's body can mistakenly turn every calorie into fat. This is quite a common occurrence during menopausal years.

Lifestyle changes are definitely needed during the menopausal years. Try to eat a healthy diet. Include lots of fruits, vegetables and lean meat or fish. Watch your portion size of foods. Be sure to get regular exercise. Try a little weight training program to help increase muscle mass. You can also combine lifestyle changes with alternative herbal supplements. Look for ones that bring a natural balance to hormone levels. This can help to control the many symptoms menopause may cause.

Stress during this time can make things worse, learn to relax. Play some relaxing music that will lift your mood. Take a long walk. Let go of the things that cannot be controlled. Enter into the new stage of life with an open mind. Take the negative energy that may be felt and turn it into some positive life changing avenues.

Faye Finlay has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Health Sciences. She works as a Health Researcher. Her special interest is in Women's Health. For more information on symptoms menopause, please visit her website at

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