Sunday, June 26, 2011

Life-Changing Insights About Menopause and Depression

Menopause and depression seem to go hand-in-hand in our minds when we discuss what to expect with menopause. According to Dr. Christiane Northrup, it is less common among women at middle age than women of other ages. However, there are many women who do experience this at midlife. What does this depressed mood look like, why do so many women experience it, how does it affect your health, and what can you learn from this experience?

Depression can range from a case of the blues that lasts a few days to a deeper grief over a loss e.g., a job loss, loss of a relationship, loss of a pet, to a persistent sadness that immobilizes you and makes life seem overwhelming. "In major depression, as defined by psychiatric handbooks, a person not only suffers from depressed mood, but also has changes in appearance, behavior, speech, perception, and thoughts", as stated by Dr. Christiane Northrup in The Wisdom of Menopause

Fluctuating hormones can trigger or exacerbate feelings of sadness and confusion. Typical menopause symptoms can mask depression. Mood swings, headaches, fatigue, irritability, loss of libido, crying spells, fuzzy thinking, and insomnia can all be signs of a depressed mood. According to Susun Weed, steroids, high blood pressure drugs, and ERT/HRT can bring on a depressive mood.

One in four women will suffer from this feeling of despair in her lifetime. This is your body's wisdom telling you that something in your life is out of balance. Often, it is unacknowledged emotional pain over a dead end job, a dead relationship, victimization, or poverty. There can be a situation in your life that is at a dead end and that is what your body is experiencing and expressing. You feel stuck in a situation that is not meeting your needs and you see no way out.

This feeling of hopelessness often signals a potential growth spurt mentally and emotionally that needs to take place in your body. This is the wisdom of menopause. It is literally rewiring your body for personal self-growth to perceive life differently and to be emotionally affected by injustices that have up until now not even been on your radar screen. It is at this time in life that you have the insight and the courage to leave dead end relationships to take care of your needs. This despair is a gift to nudge you to move beyond past anger and grief to be free to live your passion and purpose.

Women have been taught to not "rock the boat", to be "nice", to take care of everyone else's needs, and to not express anger. It is not only depressing us, it is killing us. Living with this overwhelming despair is not a natural condition. It is brought on by life style choices. Your life does matters. What you are feeling matters. What you need in your life matters.

This deep grief does have physical effects on the body. Osteoporosis is common in women who are depressed. The stress hormone, cortisol, dissolves bone over time. Depression also increases the risk for heart attack and stroke. Emotions associated with depression such as anger, sadness, grief, and anxiety create biochemical changes in the body. These changes constrict blood vessels, reduce blood flow, damage tissue, and result in high blood pressure.

Natural remedies can support the body. However, if you are depressed for more than a two week period, experience reoccurring episodes, or have had low level depression all of your life, seek help from your health care provider.

Antidepressants might be needed in this situation along with addressing lifestyle changes. Depression is not a simple chemical disorder, according to Dr. Christiane Northrup. To cure this hopeless feeling, we need to identify our needs, embrace our needs, and express our needs by taking action to see them fulfilled. You need to embrace full emotional expression. Suppressing your needs and feelings is like a stagnant pool of water inside your body.

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