Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Men Profile: "Body Type = Average" mean to Women?

I already saw the posting's about this for women, but I want an answer the other direction to know what I should put in my profile to honestly give a reflection of my body type.

For example...if Average = Obese = Statistical Population Average...then that is a complete unfair thing to say about me. To be clear I have one of those scales at home that actually measures %Body Fat directly as well as weight. I am currently not extremely close to ideal of either, so I am not putting Athletic or Fit, but I am afraid that considering a bunch of the fudging online that my Average may be misinterpreted.

Of course the question of age could play into it and I have friends and I am thinner than all of them as far as I can tell (sorry guys). So I want to understand what women's perspective is and whether or not some figure that guys might stretch the truth on this if they might?!?

What does "Thin" or "Fit" mean (since not athletic and toned) to women?

I took "Thin" to mean either slightly under weight or thin, without much muscle and "Fit" I wasn't sure about...I mean does "Fit" mean I am in a bunch of sports leagues and/or am ready to enter that Triathlon or just that if you picked any random sport...I'd be up for it? (like when I Curled for the first time the other day)

I just want to be honest on my profile and also want to know if actually listing my current Weight and possibly %Body Fat is TMI (I am losing weight, so I would have to update it every week or so, but no issues there). I wish I was near my ideal weight, but I think I got a couple of months more before I am back there...I hope;)Anyway, the best way to figure out what you fit under, isn't to try and judge yourself, but to ask your friends.
Ask around, and get a few opinions. And go with what they say.
Because we don't always see ourselves as others do.

I mean, for myself, I'd listed myself as "average", because that's what I figured I was. I didn't see myself as "super fit" or anything.
But I've have more than enough people (men and women) tell me that I should definitely put myself down as "athletic". So I have.

I know that ladies I'd met through PoF, kept telling me that "average" doesn't do me justice.

So I suggest you do the same. Just make sure they're friends you knowThe average American woman's weight has increased 11 pounds (7 %) in the 10 years between the gathering of statistics, while her height has remained about the same. Earlier I had reported a weight of 152 pounds and height 5' 3.7". Now, it's 163 pounds and 5' 3.8".

The average American Men have have also increased their weight by an average of 10 pounds (6 %), from 180 to 190 pounds, while remaining essentially the same height: 5' 9".

I think you might be thin ... funny how men don't like that but women sure do love to be considered slender. Hahaha

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