Saturday, June 4, 2011

How to Cure a Yeast Infection - You Can Get Rid

Candidiasis or Candida infection, to give yeast infection its other names, is a mycosis (fungal infection) that is the product of over multiplication of Candida species in the human organism. So, what do you do when you develop yeast infection or Candida albicans?

Coconut oil is very effective for skin yeast infection. Put it on the skin where it is sore and itchy and it will soothe you. Also swallow two spoons a day to get rid of the yeast. This does come with a side effect though as ingestion can cause loose bowel movements so use it moderately and stop if your stomach has a bad reaction.

Foul odor is one of the main side effects from a yeast infection. Your hygiene is very important when it comes to getting rid of this odor. Do not wear synthetics, because this only keeps your vaginal area moist and yeast thrives in warm moist areas.

There are many ways in which we can keep Candida albicans under controlled conditions so that we don't have to suffer from yeast infections. Avoiding diet rich in sugar is the first step towards preventing the overgrowth of yeast fungus. Such foods include corn, molasses, honey, maple syrup and rice. Restricting such food items can help you to get rid of Candida albicans.

Read more articles

Natural Cures for Yeast Infections and Candidiasis

Sarah Summer's Natural Cure For Yeast Infection Review

Natural Cures for Yeast Infections

Natural Cure For Yeast Infection

Oral yeast infections, often called "thrush," cause white patches inside the mouth, especially on the tongue. According to the Home Remedy Reference Center, apple cider vinegar is a particularly potent anti-fungal treatment. Make a mouth rinse with half water and half apple cider vinegar. Rinse with it every three hours until all signs of infection have cleared. You can also make a rinse by adding one tablespoon of sage and one tablespoon of rosemary to one cup of water. Steep for 20 minutes, then rinse.

So easily found whether in your garden or in the kitchen! This has properties that are anti-fungal and is the best known remedy for the skin condition. Paste up the cloves once peeled or crush a clove and apply it directly to the red and itchy area. If treating a vaginal infection wrap it in cheesecloth or gauze and treat it like a suppository by inserting it up the vagina to treat the Candida.

You also can take about two teaspoons of vinegar and add to your bath water to also get rid of the odor. In case these two remedies do not work, you can always visit your local herbal store. There are plenty of herbal remedies that help clear up this condition.

Another effective way of treating unhealthy bacteria in your body is to provide your body with acidophilus supplements. You can also take foods enriched with acidophilus such as acidophilus yoghurt and milk that contains low sugar or is sugar-free. Essential oils are also effective in treating yeast infections as they have antimicrobial properties.


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