Saturday, June 11, 2011

Five Advantages of Sleeping Nakedly Among Women

Nowadays, many people like to sleep nakedly, which is rather beneficial to both physical health and mental health. Naked sleeping can relax the human body to the full extent. There are five advantages of sleeping nakedly among women.


First, sleeping nakedly can help women lose weight. When women are sleeping, the skin can secrete some chemical substances. If women are sleeping with clothes, the normal breath of skin and the evaporation of sweat can be affected. At the same time, clothes can oppress and massage the muscles to affect the blood circulation. Naked sleeping can improve the blood circulation and consume a large amount of oily fat, which can reduce the weight for the human body.


Second, sleeping nakedly can beautify the skin for women. The naked skin can absorb more nutrients from the air to accelerate the metabolism and strengthen the secretion of sebaceous gland and sweat gland, which can be beneficial to the excretion and reproduction of sebum. At the same time, the nervous system can be well adjusted to enhance the immunity.


Third, sleeping nakedly can protect the private parts for women. Some gynecological diseases like lumbago and menorrhalgia can be effectively alleviated. If women sleep with clothes, the private parts are always moist. Naked sleeping can provide good ventilation for the parts so as to decrease the risks of getting gynecological diseases. Men can also try to sleep without clothes to improve the quality of sperms.


Fourth, sleeping nakedly can effectively stop pain for women. When women are sleeping without the restriction of clothes, the muscles can be completely relaxed and the nervous system can be adjusted actively. At the same time, the blood circulation can be accelerated to greatly improve chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea, headache and lumbago.


Fifth, sleeping nakedly can deal with insomnia for women. Without the restriction of clothes, the human body can be relaxed to improve the quality of sleep. If women are not satisfied with the effect of naked sleeping, they can drink millet porridge before going to bed. The riboflavin contained in millet can effectively alleviate insomnia.


Although the advantages of sleeping nakedly are rather desirable, people must have a right attitude toward this sleeping way. Not all the people are suitable to sleep nakedly at night. If some women are sensitive to dust and mite in the air, they should sleep with clothes to prevent the formation of allergy.

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